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What is your experience before Naturmania?

I did several years as a house painter. Then, I worked as an intervention agent in a psychiatric environment and then I ended up retiring.

When did you arrive at Naturmania? Why did you choose to work for this company?

In 2017 my cousin called me because they needed someone part-time for the warehouse which was great since I was looking to pass the time as a young retiree and on top of that, it brought me closer to my passion for the outdoors.

What does your job at Naturmania consist of?

I am the warehouse assistant. I therefore assist the warehouse manager when there is a large quantity of products arriving or leaving and when it is necessary to take an inventory of the products in stock.

What is your dream in life?

I dream of being able to travel again and again. The part-time job at Naturmania and retirement fits perfectly with my travel plans.

What is your favorite Green Trail's product?

The WILDLIFE carpets are my favorites. A great quality !