When the certification GREEN BY NATURETM finds itself associated with a product, it meets the eco-responsible and ethical values of Green Trail.
Our most precious ressource.
Because nature is our most precious resource, Green Trail has to offer products that meet current needs while respecting the environment. The brand's challenge is to constantly rethink the way we design our products to be more and more eco-responsible and ethical.
Designing the best product is important to minimize our impact on the planet. We know that all commercial activity is part of the problem. Green Trail works tirelessly to improve its practices and choose partners who share its values. But, with the current challenges, we recognize that we must redouble our efforts. Integrating quality, innovation, sustainability, performance, accessibility and eco-responsibility when designing products is the daily challenge that Green Trail is trying to meet.
When the certification GREEN BY NATURETM finds itself associated with a product, it meets the eco-responsible and ethical values of Green Trail.