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What is your experience before Naturmania?

I was hired right out of school, by Garneau. My first tasks were to help with the purchasing, invoicing, payable and receivable department. Then, subsequently, I was hired as an administrative assistant at Cascades Sports where I did all administrative tasks. Then I arrived at Naturmania, starting out as a receptionist and billing assistant. Gradually, I gained experience as an Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Officer. In 2013, I was appointed Accounting Manager and since 2017 Administrative Director.

When did you arrive at Naturmania? Why did you choose to work for this company?

I arrived at Naturmania in March 2005, when the owner of Naturmania bought the company Cascades Sports. A great team greeted us.

What does your job at Naturmania consist of?

I am Administrative Director, I make sure that everything works in terms of accounting and human resources: IT, health, security, accounts, agreements, payroll ...

What is your dream in life?

I would love to travel and visit the places I have always dreamed of.

What is your favorite Green Trail's product?

The 4 seasons boot - G1548, it can be worn in any season and it is light and warm.